Strong Partnerships
We partner with the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, National Association of Emergency Medical Technicians, American Academy of Pediatrics, and leading authors and editors in prehospital care to provide expert learning and teaching resources.
Most Current Content
Up-to-date editions ensure that EMS students learn the latest evidence-based practices and participate in learning that provides current knowledge and promotes critical thinking to prepare them for today’s most challenging emergency calls.
Accessible Learning
From online EMS training to renowned print resources, students can choose to learn from the formats that engage them best, through well-organized EMS books, interactive lessons, audiobooks, simulations, test preparation tools, and more.

High Demand
In response to the rapid growth of EMR opportunities, this top-selling digital and print resource clearly and concisely covers every competency required for EMR students—preparing firefighters, rescue squads, law enforcement, athletic trainers, college students, and laypersons for emergencies in the field.
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The Twelfth Edition is the most comprehensive, innovative EMT educational solution ever developed. Concepts of teamwork, communication, and empathy challenge students in every chapter to become more conscientious health care professionals as well as highly skilled clinicians.
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The Go-To for Paramedics
The Ninth Edition provides cutting-edge, evidence-based content that meets or exceeds the most current scientific recommendations from the International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation (ILCOR) and the ECC Guidelines established by the American Heart Association and other resuscitation councils.
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Advanced Learning
Developed by AEMT experts and reviewed by AAOS medical editors, the Fourth Edition delivers comprehensive content, the latest medical evidence, and alignment to current standards—along with a suite of engaging, accessible digital resources to empower AEMT students for advanced care.
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Trauma Care Leader
Developed by the National Association of Emergency Medical Technicians (NAEMT) in cooperation with the American College of Surgeons Committee on Trauma (ACS-COT), the Tenth Edition provides updated medical content to reflect current, evidence-based knowledge and promotes critical thinking.
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Walkthrough: Emergency Care and Transportation of the Sick and Injured, 12E
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EMS Educational Resources
At Jones & Bartlett Learning Public Safety Group, EMS Instructors Know That They’ll Always Find the Most Comprehensive, Current, and Renowned Training Resources
In preparation for a continually challenging career, today’s EMS students need training that enables them to learn complex concepts, think critically in high-stress scenarios, and work strategically with EMS peers to respond effectively to their patients’ health emergencies. EMS programs should therefore offer a wide range of high-quality resources that guide students in the development of hard and soft skills, provide initial and advanced training, and reinforce students' knowledge with real-world scenarios to help them apply their learning long before they care for their first patients.

The Public Safety Group (PSG) provides expert curricula for the span of EMS practitioners, from emergency medical responders (EMRs) to emergency medical technicians (EMTs), advanced emergency medical technicians (AEMTs), and paramedics of all levels. PSG’s industry-leading resources are authored, edited, and reviewed by the world’s leaders in prehospital care: the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS), National Association of Emergency Medical Technicians (NAEMT), American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), American Geriatrics Society (AGS), American College of Surgeons Committee on Trauma (ACS COT), and renowned prehospital and medical care experts including Andrew Pollack, Alfonso Mejia, Kim McKenna, Dennis Edgerly, Barbara Aehlert, Bob Elling, David Schottke, Rhonda Hunt, Samuel Galvagno Jr., David Snyder, Colleen Christmas, Manish Shah, Susan Fuchs, Mike McEvoy, and many, many more. Each chapter of every new edition is thoroughly reviewed by teams of experts to ensure that EMS instructors and students are teaching and learning from the most current evidence-based resources available.
The lecture-based training for EMS students in past years has given way to experiential learning that speaks to today’s students, who learn best with materials that resonate with them and motivate them as individuals. That’s why PSG’s EMS resources come in a variety of digital and print options that can fit with students’ needs for every EMS program. Instructors find exceptional tools to ensure their teaching is relevant and up to date: instructor guides, course plans, flipped learning guides, equipment lists, simulations, videos, lecture presentations, scenario-based learning activities, outlines, objectives, analytics, test banks, and more. EMS Education Training Officer Lindsey Schaaf said that with PSG resources, “I definitely feel like I have the freedom to adapt each class to my students’ personal learning styles to ensure success for each of them…I feel like it has helped my students succeed. I think the variety of resources and the adaptability have made learning much more fun and effective for everyone involved.” Carrie Millwood, another EMS educator, agrees with Lindsey Schaaf: “The ability to create a learning platform specific to the needs of not only our company, but also a specific class has been beneficial to the individual students for better understanding.”

Just as Jones & Bartlett Learning Public Safety Group offers a variety of flexible teaching resources for instructors, PSG also offers multimodal resources for students to enhance their learning and prepare them for class tests, certification exams, and rewarding careers. While some students learn best from printed textbooks, others go first to digital resources, and many prefer both to cover their initial learning, knowledge reinforcement, and review. That’s why students can find well-organized printed materials, Navigate eBooks, audiobooks, interactive lectures, lesson guides, soft-skill simulations, virtual ride-along videos, skill drills, practice activities, flashcards, TestPrep practice tests, and more. Year after year, students attribute PSG materials to their success in class and their exams. Student Jayilah Sanders said that the components of Emergency Care for the Sick and Injured, Twelfth Edition have proved particularly useful in her learning: “The content and structure of the textbook keep me engaged. The sample calls and subtexts with real world applications and POVs (Point-of-Views) gave me more to think about and allowed me to expand beyond objective information…The platform contains so many useful resources directly, such as flashcards, case studies, an audiobook, and skill drills.” Student Vanessa Hernandez attributes different tools to her success: “I enjoyed using the Interactive Lectures after reading the chapter in the book because it tests your knowledge as you go through the lesson. The TestPrep tool was extremely helpful because it gives you the main topics you will be tested for on the NREMT and explains to you why the answer is right/wrong. This helped me prepare for taking exams in class.”
Instructors at EMS schools share that PSG’s resources have transformed their organizations’ pass rates. Lindsey Schaaf said, “The last class I taught had a 100% first-attempt pass rate, and my EMTs were completely street-ready when they graduated.” EMS Program Director Miranda Hagans, who uses the flipped learning versions of Emergency Care of the Sick and Injured and Nancy Caroline’s Emergency Care in the Streets, said that her pass rates went from 75% to 88% at one school, and from 38% to 100% at another school. “I was blown away at the improvement,” she said. Captain Brian Merry, a medical training officer, has seen a 94% first-time pass rate on the NREMT cognitive exam for EMTs and an 84% first-time pass rate on the NREMT for AEMTs, concluding, “Both the EMT and AEMT texts have aided in student success time and time again.”

At Jones & Bartlett Learning Public Safety Group, EMS instructors consistently find the comprehensive, engaging, up-to-date resources they want for EMS online training and in-person instruction, and their students find the digital and print combinations they need to learn, retain their knowledge, and apply their new skills to the field. Whether they choose to remain emergency medical responders or go on to become emergency medical technicians, advanced emergency medical technicians, or paramedics, students who learn from PSG renowned texts are learning from the world’s number-one publisher of prehospital care resources. With every evolution in evidence-based prehospital care, instructors and students can rely on the gold standard of Jones & Bartlett Public Safety Group’s EMR, EMT, AEMT, and paramedic resources.