The Public Safety Group Blog


Fisdap Instructor Tutorial: How do I edit my account information?

by  Fisdap     Sep 16, 2020

If you have certain administrative permissions you can edit an instructor's name, email address, email settings, and permissions.

  1. Go to the orange Account tab.
  2. Under the Instructor Accounts section, click on the Instructor Account information link.
  3. Select the instructor whose account you need to update and hit the Edit button.
    • From this screen, you can also click the Delete button to permanently delete an instructor's account.
  4. Update the instructor's information and be sure to save your changes.

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Fisdap Instructor Tutorial: How do I edit my account information?

by  Fisdap     Sep 16, 2020

If you have certain administrative permissions you can edit an instructor's name, email address, email settings, and permissions.

  1. Go to the orange Account tab.
  2. Under the Instructor Accounts section, click on the Instructor Account information link.
  3. Select the instructor whose account you need to update and hit the Edit button.
    • From this screen, you can also click the Delete button to permanently delete an instructor's account.
  4. Update the instructor's information and be sure to save your changes.
