Fisdap Instructor Tutorial: How do you customize the data in Skills Tracker?
Sep 15, 2020

You can change the settings for your school to customize what your students' options are in Skills Tracker.
You can customize student permissions, what and when emails are sent, auditing, preceptor sign-off, and the local procedures and medications your students can use.
To change and manage your settings:
- Go to the main Skills & Pt. Care page.
- Locate and click on the Settings link at the top of the white search.
- Update the settings and be sure to click the Save button when you're finished.
- You turn something on by checking the box and you turn something off by unchecking a box or leaving it unchecked.
- The default settings are what Fisdap recommends based on how schools most commonly use Skills Tracker.
- Click the orange question mark to read more detailed information about the differences between settings.