Download the Latest Education Research Podcast: Teacher questions and student responses in case-based learning
Hayley Lorge
Jul 17, 2020
Did you catch the latest NAEMSE — PCRF Education Research Podcast? Download the recording here to watch the recording at your convenience.
Teacher questions and student responses in case-based learning: outcomes of a video study in medical education
Martin Gartmeier, Theresa Pfurtscheller, Alexander Hapfelmeier, Marc Grünewald, Janina Häusler, Tina Seidel, and Pascal O. Berberat.
Case-based learning (CBL) is a highly interactive instructional approach frequently used in medical education. A core element of CBL is a teacher-guided discussion of a patient case; but how effective are teachers' questions at eliciting a student response and assessing student learning? This study examined teachers' questions and student response behaviors in a medical education program, and proposes ways that teachers can make these didactic elements of medical education more effective and meaningful.