The Public Safety Group Blog


ALS Scenarios for Paramedics: Female Cardiac Scenario

by  Nora Vanni     Jul 28, 2014

Previously on the blog, we brought you a post with four scenarios for your Ambulance Operations class. While we gave you some some gnarly details about creating elaborate moulage, we didn’t offer you the specific data (BP, pulse, medications, etc.) that your teaching aides need to run the scenario from start to finish.

In this series, we’ll bring you valid ALS scenarios that include everything you’ll need to run the simulation: from primary complaint and vital signs, to the curveball that will challenge your students’ expectations.

For our first installment, we’ve got a good ol’ case of chest pain:\

Female Cardiac Scenario

Chief Complaint: Chest Pain
Category: Cardiac, ECG Interpretation
Information provided by dispatch: “A 60 yo female chest pain and/or mid back pain.”


Signs & Symptoms: Chest discomfort
Allergies: Penicillin
Medications: Nitroglycerin, altace, HCTZ, Labetalol*
Prior History: MI x 6 months, 2 stents
Last Oral Intake: 2 hours at McDonalds
Events: Walking home


Onset: Sudden
Provocation: Walking
Quality: Discomfort
Radiation: Upper back
Severity: 8
Time: 15 minutes ago

Click below to download the full scenario:

Attachment Size
Setting the Scene - Female Cardiac.pdf 252.35 KB


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ALS Scenarios for Paramedics: Female Cardiac Scenario

by  Nora Vanni     Jul 28, 2014

Previously on the blog, we brought you a post with four scenarios for your Ambulance Operations class. While we gave you some some gnarly details about creating elaborate moulage, we didn’t offer you the specific data (BP, pulse, medications, etc.) that your teaching aides need to run the scenario from start to finish.

In this series, we’ll bring you valid ALS scenarios that include everything you’ll need to run the simulation: from primary complaint and vital signs, to the curveball that will challenge your students’ expectations.

For our first installment, we’ve got a good ol’ case of chest pain:\

Female Cardiac Scenario

Chief Complaint: Chest Pain
Category: Cardiac, ECG Interpretation
Information provided by dispatch: “A 60 yo female chest pain and/or mid back pain.”


Signs & Symptoms: Chest discomfort
Allergies: Penicillin
Medications: Nitroglycerin, altace, HCTZ, Labetalol*
Prior History: MI x 6 months, 2 stents
Last Oral Intake: 2 hours at McDonalds
Events: Walking home


Onset: Sudden
Provocation: Walking
Quality: Discomfort
Radiation: Upper back
Severity: 8
Time: 15 minutes ago

Click below to download the full scenario:

Attachment Size
Setting the Scene - Female Cardiac.pdf 252.35 KB

