NAEMT Member Exclusive
Free Course: First Responder Support & Resilience
These interactive simulations help responders help each other during times of crisis.
Available Through May 31st 2021 Exclusively for NAEMT Members
Learn to help support your coworkers through these challenging times. Access First Responder Support & Resilience simulations at no cost.
About First Responder Support & Resilience
First Responder Support & Resilience is an interactive simulation that helps you learn to support other first responders and practice talking to coworkers who are going through challenging times. As you complete the scenarios, you’ll learn how to approach checking in with coworkers you’re concerned about, show them that you understand their challenges, help them problem-solve, and connect them to additional help, if necessary.
The course is centered on five interactive role-play simulations featuring fully animated and emotionally responsive virtual peers. The five simulations cover: post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), major depression, substance abuse, mental health stigma reduction, and seeking help.
Let’s face it, these conversations are not easy. Like most high-intensity, low-frequency events, the time that we take to practice and train for these difficult situations allows us to be ready when it really counts. When someone needs your help, knowing how to listen and respond appropriately is critical. The skills you’ll practice are relevant for any situation where you’re supporting a coworker or friend.