Special Offer for North Carolina Firefighter Training Institutions

The Emergency Care & Safety Institute, a Jones & Bartlett Learning brand, recently published Standard First Aid, CPR, and AED, Eighth Edition. The new edition was revised to include content updated to meet ILCOR and ECC guidelines released in October 2020. As a result, we've created an updated package specifically for North Carolina based training institutions that combines the latest editions of Standard First Aid, CPR, and AED and our Fundamentals of Fire Fighter Skills training manuals.

This updated bundle is an approved reference for Fire Fighter training as noted on the NCOSFM website.

North Carolina Fundamentals of Fire Fighter Skills 4E and Standard First Aid 8E Bundles

Fundamentals of Fire Fighter Skills and Hazardous Materials Response, 4th edition
Standard First Aid, CPR and AED, 8th edition

ISBN-13: 9781284249958

Standard First Aid, CPR, and AED, Eighth Edition
ISBN-13: 9781284226188

Fundamentals of Fire Fighter Skills Includes Navigate 2 Advantage Access, Fourth Edition
ISBN-13: 9781284144017

Fundamentals of Fire Fighter Skills and Hazardous Materials Response Includes Navigate Advantage Access, Fourth Edition
ISBN-13: 9781284151336